My husband, my hero

Posted by Heather Conrad at 9:15 PM

Friday, March 5, 2010

Today, my husband had to do the hardest thing any son is asked to do. He had to say good-bye to his Mom. Pat Conrad, wife, mother, grandmother, and daughter of the King filled her lungs one final time, and then became ushered into eternity with her Heavenly Father. She will be remembered for so many things, but for me, she will be the hero who raised the precious son given to her, only to release him into my arms as the love of my life, and the father of my children - Mom, may your legacy of love continue for generations to come. I love you with all my heart.

I don't think you're ever quite prepared for this moment. Afterall, we were never created to know death. Somehow, our feeble minds just can't wrap our hearts around the emptiness that exists just after the final good-bye. For Aaron's mom, she lived a life that included pain for quite some time. She suffered. She in now, no longer in pain - praise God! For Aaron, his family spent those last moments together. For Aaron, time was given for a sense of closure. For Aaron, he left that morning to board an airplane, but he was not alone.

As we sat together upon his return, sharing late into the night, several thoughts ran through my mind. First off, it never ceases to amaze me that God provides in ways that transcends earthly logic - a last minute flight just happened to be available, the children headed to school later than usual that morning, our scheduled community time just happened to be that evening, Aaron's work week was lighter than usual, the weather greeted both of us with warmth, and both of her sisters arrived after years of disconnect.

Secondly, I just sat and listened in awe of this man whom I am proud to call my husband. He spoke with such grace, such mercy, such strength that it could have only come from the Spirit within. Amongst difficult circumstances, he spoke words of hope, of peace, of honesty, and with integrity. Having the privilege of witnessing this amazing growth in the life of "my" man who not only seeks after the heart of God, but lives out a life of a love that comes from God himself, I stand in awe. To say I'm proud is an understatement, to be allowed the privilege of walking the road with my best friend is nothing more than a treasured gift, to be a support of any kind is nothing more than a mere honor. Aaron, I love you. I mourn with you, I rejoice with you, there is no where I rather be than home with you. I am the proud bearer of the Conrad name.

Dad, Tina, my heart is with you. There is much hope to bear, more days to share, and more race to run. Thank you for your love for Aaron. He is the man he is today because of you. I love you.


Anonymous said...

You give me far too much credit and are all too kind. I can't express the calm and peace I had to know that everything "back home" was okay while I was away. My Mom prayed and prayed and prayed for my future spouse. She sang Wayne Watson's "Somewhere in the World" since the first time she heard it for my future bride. Her prayers were more than answered. I know she felt the same way. Thank you for your words, but you are the grace in my life.


Anonymous said...

you are all so blessed. what a wonderful family. my prayers are with you.

Erin McGraw said...

I continue to pray for your family Heather. Your love and respect for Aaron are the greatest tribute to his Mom. God Bless