Love Your Heart

Posted by Heather Conrad at 3:37 PM

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Thanks to the kind and gracious hard-working-hearts at Thomas Nelson Publishers, I was able to curl up with my daughter - a warm welcome after playing hard in the snow for over 2 hours - and delight together reading this precious new storybook (lovingly delivered by our faithful mail carrier Pam today.)

Country music singers and song writers, Tim McGraw and Tom Douglass have teamed together, alongside illustrator Abigail Marble, to bring to their readers a heartwarming father/daughter relationship as told through a precious character named Katie.

Throughout the pages, Katie's boisterous spirit sparkles and bounces as we read of Dad's proud responses to his little girl's selfless act of kindness. This story reminds us that the very best of you lies lies not in what you can do, but in who you are.

I also enjoyed reading the forward written by Faith Hill and their three uniquely gifted daughters, Gracie, Maggie, and Audrey. I highly recommend this book, again, great gift idea to add to your family library.

To those of you enjoying/enduring the snow, I'm praying for you. May the Lord grant you safety, and may we be able to pause from the "work" of shoveling to enjoy making snow angels once again. Have a wonderful week!


Anonymous said...

looks adorable!! ill have to check it out at the library :)