Saturday afternoon, roughly around 1:00 pm, I witnessed 3 events that simply took my breath away. Our 3 precious blessings each took one brave step towards a starting line, waited for the buzzer, and took off running this first-ever race in their young lives. Words cannot describe my joy, my love, my sheer pride. No nerves, no doubts, no hesitancy. They began and ended with focus, a controlled, relaxed pace, and a smile on their face. Maybe it was the Krispie Kreme doughnuts that awaited them at the finish.
With our races scheduled for Sunday, we had discussed the possibility of this event with the kids months prior. Their answers were quick and clear - yes Mommy! As a family, we were able to take a trip to the Convention Center, and together pick up our pre-race packets, information, and numbers. We walked this road together, we are able to support and encourage one another together - a gift that is beyond words.
Each child competed in their own race, with their own age group. Brynn completed .15 miles, Emma .35 miles, and Austin .8 miles. Each race was as unique as each child. Brynn (who signed up last minute as Mommy wasn't sure if baby girl was ready), was the most confident. She was quick to tell me she didn't need me at the start, she would see me at the finish. After completion, she asked if she could "do it again. " Emma rounded her corner with a strong, steady pace, focused on her finish line (with a slight smirk on her face as she performed for her audience). Austin rounded the corner with a crooked smirk, head swinging, happy to be on his way to completion. At one point, we could see him through the trees slowing to a walk. After yelling his name, he was quick to pick the pace up once again :) He wore his Daddy's watch after a few minutes of instruction, and as true to his nature, stopped it just as he finished. His goal time was 7 minutes, he completed in a 5:49 - awesome job!
The finish line looked just like the ones the grown-ups have, and a metal was placed around their necks at the finish. What a way to share in an expereince, to give back to them after all the encouragement they've given me over the past 3 years. I will cherish these memories for years to come!
Barnum and Baily sponsored this event, called the "Red Nose Run", and my fun-loving father was more than happy to don the gift of a red nose. While waiting for Austin to round the corner to his finish, I glanced over at my Dad and said, "I am just bursting with pride in watching them desire to succeed." He said two words - "I know."
This got me thinking... if I am just bursting at the seams with pride of their strive to endure, how much more so is their heavenly Father?
This concept boggles me, I love what the Bible tells me,
Matthew 7:11
If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!Luke 11:13
If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"Lord thank you for the opportunity to pursue more of you through this family ministry of running. Thank you for those opportunities when the children are watching, and we don't even realize it. Thank you for loving us and protecting us. Thank you for a legacy to leave for generations to come.
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