Yes, No, Wait

Posted by Heather Conrad at 6:30 AM

Friday, September 5, 2008

I've often heard that there are three ways that God answers our prayers - yes, no, and wait. Again, pretty simple, but maybe God isn't the one who operates on over-complication. Pastor Allen talked about this on Wednesday night, and if you would have asked me about my life at that moment, God's plan for Aaron and I has been... wait.

Waiting. Does anyone really like this word? It's something we talk about, require, and outright demand of our children at times, yet do we really ever "grow-up and out" of? (See Stef's blog!) I must admit, that a few times lately, you'd find me flailing around on the floor, kicking and screaming with all my might, if I would allow my insides to show on the outsides, that is. I regress. Why? It's out of my control. I don't understand. I may never know why.

Just about a week ago, this flailing and gnashing finally caught up with me, in the form of exhaustion (as with most tantrums, sigh). I found myself in a position that I wanted to be in, but didn't know how to get there. I found myself on the floor, broken, and spilled out. Humbling place to be, relieving place to be, refreshing, and refueling position to reside in. I was ready with an open heart to surrender... my all, my life... trusting not in what is seen, but what is unseen... the essence of one simple word - faith.

Yesterday, my husband and I received the call - an offer. A buyer with an intention to purchase our house. The details of the day astounds us. Later today, we will be traveling to Charlotte, NC to watch His story in our life unfold. His timing for our move is 2 weeks, our response is... okay (after the YIKES! part). We'll see.... story of our lives hugh? What's life without a little adventure (wink)!

Dear Lord, I pray that you continue to calm my anxious heart. Lord, I pray today for your wisdom as you guide and direct our path. Lord, I pray that we will clearly see your will, recognize it, and know it without giving a thought to doubt. Lord, help me to lean into you and to stand on your truth in a world that tells me I'm crazy. Lord, may "the words of my heart and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock, and my Redeemer." (Psalm 19:14) Lord, as you continue to bring this verse to mind, may it penetrate my being and remain in the forefront of my thoughts:

Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

To be continued...


Amanda said...

Wow. *sniff, sniff*

Trusting Him for and with you!

Laura said...

Isn't it just like Him to give us the answer we want just when we've resolved it will not come? Congratulations on getting that call! An exciting new beginning! Prayers go with you.